Since the pandemic that hit us hard last year, life as we know it has changed – possibly forever. Spending a lot more time in our homes have made many people re-think their living space. Everything now centers more on the home. Our lifestyles are very different than they were pre-pandemic. Pretty much everyone wants their house to be more comfortable, with rooms that suit their ‘new normal.’
Some people are renovating their homes, creating spaces geared to improve the way they work, exercise, live, entertain and sleep. They’re converting rooms into offices, gyms, craft centers and even wine cellars. Many new houses offer work areas that are soundproof with plenty of work surfaces, better lighting, comfortable seating and temperature control.
Another trend we are noticing is the use of candles. They’ve become somewhat of a status symbol. Everywhere you look on social media in photos or videos of Influencers and designers, you’ll see a strategically placed beautiful candle or two. According to historyoflighting.net there is evidence that the earliest candles were made from whale fat in China during the Qin Dynasty, some 200 years B.C. One of the most common materials people used for fuel was beeswax, until the discovery of synthetic materials. Centuries ago, candles were used as timers, because they have a relatively steady burning rate. The candle was marked on the outside with lines that represent hours (or in some cases with a big one – days). Weights were imbedded at each mark. When the candle burned to a particular mark, melted wax would release the weight and it would fall on a metal plate, marking the time interval with a sound.
Of course, we don’t use candles as a major light source or timer anymore. They’re primarily used for décor, birthdays or other celebrations and to create a cozy and intimate atmosphere. Some people claim that candles calm the mind, improve our mood and even stimulate the memory. Whatever the case, the pandemic has impacted every aspect of life and our experience of home has changed profoundly.
As you shop for products to enhance your home, please support the small business owners here at Local As Can Bee. We appreciate it.
We would love to hear how your home life has been affected by the pandemic. Please share in the comments section below.